Should I Read This?

Should I Read This?

Piles of books surrounding a sign that reads "Practice Shelf Care"

“Should I Read This?” is our collection of honest book reviews submitted by Medford teens! Take a look and see if you can find your next read based on your peers’ reviews! If you’d also like to contribute a review of a YA book and earn volunteer credit, fill out our Book Review Form.

Reviews are sorted by genre and alphabetically by title.



Historical Fiction

Review by Aditi N, 9th grade
Review by Maria C, 8th grade

Review by Aaron G, 8th grade

Review by Aaditya K, 8th grade

Review by Caiden G, 7th grade

Review by Meriem E, 7th grade
Review by Sydney C, 7th grade


Review by Jacqueline R, 11th grade

Review by Sarina D, 7th grade


Review by Alyson D, 8th grade
Review by Gabriella R, 8th grade
Review by Josie M, 8th grade

Review by Sierra I, 9th grade

Review by Aditi N, 9th grade

Review by Sophie C, 9th grade
Review by Lizzy T, 10th grade
Review by Daniel M, 9th grade

Review by Lillian B, 7th grade

Review by Rayann F, 11th grade

Review by Sarina D, 8th grade



Review by Christian Z, 10th grade

Review by Aaditya K, 7th grade

Review by Nouha E, 9th grade
Review by Shuva B, 12th grade

Review by Mark H, 10th grade

Science Fiction

Review by Violet B, 6th grade
Review by Mouhamid J, 12th grade

Review by Valentina C, 9th grade

Review by Malachi R, 10th grade

Review by Matthew H, 8th grade

Review by Mouhamid J, 12th grade

Review by A.D. C, 8th grade
Review by Jacqueline S, 9th grade
Review by Mouhamid J, 12th grade

Review by Lucas B, 12th grade
Review by Shuva B, 12th grade
Review by Nathaniel R, 7th grade
Review by Brendan S, 8th grade
Review by Daniel M, 9th grade

Review by Trey C, 11th grade

Review by Scarp C, 7th grade

Review by Henok G, 7th grade
Review by Oscar Y, 8th grade

Review by Malachi R, 10th grade
Review by Kevin A, 9th grade
Review by Mouhamid J, 12th grade
Review by Nate R, 8th grade

Review by Antonio T, 9th grade

If you have any questions, please contact Nicole in the Teen Section: | 781-475-5735