Calendar & Events

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Makerspace Badging: Cutting Machine

Charlotte and William Bloomberg Medford Public Library 111 High Street, Medford

We are hoping to get YOU trained the training you need to ‘check out’ the MakerSpace like our other study rooms. You can earn ‘badges’ this Spring and gain more

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Writer’s Workshop

Charlotte and William Bloomberg Medford Public Library 111 High Street, Medford

The group is always looking for new members so join the group to meet your community’s fellow scribblers and get feedback on your work.   If you have questions about

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Dance Caliente, Waltz and Salsa Line Dances

Charlotte and William Bloomberg Medford Public Library 111 High Street, Medford

Three Evenings with Dance Caliente-- March: Waltz and Salsa Line Dances Dance away your cares as Dance Caliente presents fun and lively dance lessons for dancers of all levels. Founded
