Join Charlotte and William Bloomberg Medford Public Library on Saturday, March 30th for a full day focused on physical, emotional, and social well-being at Medford Public Library’s first Health and Wellness Fair! Throughout the program, the library will offer free health and wellness programs, such as yoga instruction, meditation, and mindfulness workshops. In addition to the short, free programs, local health and wellness-based organizations and businesses, such as local gyms and various health services, will be providing information about ways in which the community can better their health and wellness.
The Health and Wellness Fair will offer a wealth of topics including basic exercise, healthy eating, and mental health awareness. Whether you are maintaining your fitness goals or looking to set new and improved goals, the Health and Wellness Fair is sure to have something for everyone! Drop in the library on March 30th from 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. to check out the free programs and local health organizations and business!
Are you a Medford business or organization that is interested in tabling and/or facilitating a free program? Please email Zoey Mills at zoey.mills@minlib.net by no later than Thursday, February 29th to be considered for the fair! Please note, completion of the “application” does not guarantee a spot to vend or host a program during Medford Public Library’s 2024 Health and Wellness Fair.
Questions or comments can be directed to the Head of Reference Services, Zoey Mills, by emailing zoey.mills@minlib.net or calling (781) 475-5741.