Wireless Printing

Wireless Printing

For wireless printing, follow these steps:

Patrons can print a copy of a single or multi-page document wirelessly by heading to our wireless printing site “Princh” and enter the code 108865.

Patrons can then retrieve their own print jobs by visiting our Self-Service Print Station by the Reference Desk. The cost to  print is $0.25 per page (single-sided), the same price for color and black and white. For double-sided printing, the cost is $0.25 per side of page printed (e,g, one double-sided page, printed on both sides, costs $0.50 total, $0.25 for each side),  Our vending machine takes $5 bills, $1 bills, quarters, nickels, and dimes.

Stop by the Reference Desk with any questions you may have!