Medford Resources
- Tracing the History of Your Medford House: A guide created by the Medford Historical Society and the Medford Public Library.
- Your House in the Streetcar Suburb: The History & Care of Houses in Medford, Mass. prepared by Cynthia Howard, A.I.A., 1979.
- Medford Historical Commission
Medford City Hall c/o Office of Community Development - Medford City Clerk’s Office
85 George P. Hassett Drive Room 103
(781) 393-2440 - Medford Community Preservation Commission
Massachusetts and New England
Massachusetts State Archives
Secretary of the Commonwealth
Massachusetts Archives
220 Morrissey Blvd.
Boston, MA 02125
Massachusetts Registry of Vital Records and Statistics
150 Mount Vernon St., 1st Fl. Dorchester, MA 02125-3105
Main Telephone: (617) 740-2600
Middlesex County Registry of Deeds
208 Cambridge Street
Cambridge MA 02141 (617) 679-6300
Historic New England is a regional heritage organization. HNE offers some consultation services and resources for homeowners, as a well as an Historic Homeowner program.
Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation Historic Curatorship Program
Massachusetts Historic Landscape Preservation Initiative
National Resources
National Register of Historic Places The City of Medford contains hundreds of sites and structures having architectural, archeological, or historical significance. Medford currently has two city-designated Historic Districts, and one National Historic District.At the present time, 30 Medford properties are listed on the National Register, two of which have been designated as National Historic Landmarks by the Secretary of the Interior.
National Park Service: Technical Preservation Services
Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Historic House