The Medford Public Library provides a variety of services to support the curriculum needs of local teachers, homeschool parents, and their students in grades PreK-12. Please feel free to request teacher services or set up a tour or classroom visit via our Teacher Services Request forms: PreK-5 or Grades 6-12. To inquire about the availability of a specific item, please call 781-475-5734.
Teacher Materials Request
A collection of library materials can be compiled for classroom use. Teacher Requests include approximately thirty library resources which will be checked out to the library card of the requesting teacher. Please complete the Teacher Services Request form: PreK-5 or Grades 6-12. Teacher Requests require a minimum of one week’s notice.
Teacher Request Policy
- Teachers must have a valid Library card in order to request material.
- Individuals are allowed a maximum of one (1) teacher request per week.
- Teacher Requests are available for pick up on the day that you requested, unless we contact you with a problem. We do not call to notify you when it is available, nor do we call to remind you it is available.
- Teacher Requests must be picked up within three (3) days of the requested pick up date.
- A minimum of one (1) weeks notice is required to assemble a teacher basket.
- Requests will consist of up to 30 titles – a combination of fiction, non-fiction, and media (unless specific requests are made).
Library Tours
Library tours are available upon request. Tours can be scheduled to include the entire library, or just the Children’s or Teen Services Departments. Tours can include an activity related to a specific assignment and/or hands on training on use of the Library’s catalog or electronic databases. Please complete the Teacher Services Request form: PreK-5 or Grades 6-12. Library Tours require a minimum of one week’s notice.
Classroom Visits and Hands-On Training
Classroom visits are available upon request. Visits can include hands on training for electronic resources such as online catalog or databases, Internet searching, book talks, an overview of library services and library card applications, summer reading program/reading list promotion, etc. Hands on training of the library’s catalog or databases can be held at the Library or at your school. Please send complete the Teacher Services Request form: PreK-5 or Grades 6-12. Please provide a minimum of one week’s notice.
Resource Lists
The Youth Services Department is happy to provide research guides, booklists, and bibliographies to assist student research or for other classroom needs. We also LOVE knowing if large numbers of students will be coming to get books on a particular subject so we can be prepared. Please send your Assignment Alert or Resource Lists by completing the Teacher Services Request form: PreK-5 or Grades 6-12.
Reference Guidance and Readers' Advisory Services
The Youth Services Department is available during library hours to assist students with finding material for research projects, and answering general questions. The Library does not provide individualized tutoring; however, we do our best to answer students’ questions about their homework. The Youth Services Department will also provide reader’s advisory services to youth who need to read a specific type of fiction for class.
The Youth Services Department will also provide Reference Guidance and Reader’s Advisory Services for teachers looking for resources to use in their classrooms or for age and/or reading level appropriate titles for their students. Teachers looking for an extensive booklist to be sent to them, should complete the Teacher Services Request form: PreK-5 or Grades 6-12. Please provide a minimum of one week notice to complete your request.
Curriculum Support
The Medford Public Library purchases books that can be used by students in grades K-12 to complete research papers and other assignments. If you find a title that you feel would be appropriate for use by your students, please notify a library staff member to request a purchase and we will consider adding it to our collection.
Digital Resources
The Library provides access to a variety of digital resources. Check out the Youth Digital Resources and the Teen Digital Resources for access to all our great online resources or check out all our databases on our reference page.