These are just our recurring program offerings! To see everything we’re doing, make sure to visit the Children’s Events pages, which are updated with registration links for upcoming programs.

Family Storytime
Family Storytime is a weekly program, held on Wednesday afternoons at 3pm. The storytime includes a selection of songs and stories suited to children ages 3-7, followed by a short craft. All supplies are provided by the library. This is a drop in program, so registration is not required.

Saturday Family Storytime
Saturday Family Storytime is a weekly program, held on Saturday mornings at 10am. The storytime includes a selection of songs and stories suited to children ages 3-7, followed by a short craft. All supplies are provided by the library. This is a drop in program, so registration is not required.

Baby Lapsit
Baby Lapsit is a weekly program, held on Tuesday mornings at 9:30am. This storytime includes a 20 minute selection of songs and a board book aimed at babies ages 0-24 months. The storytime portion is followed by a 30 minute mini-playgroup. This is a drop in program, so registration is not required.

Toddler Time
Toddler Time is a weekly program, held on Thursday mornings at 10:30am. This storytime includes a selection of songs and stories aimed at children ages 2-3. The storytime portion is followed by a 30 minute mini-playgroup. This is a drop in program, so registration is not required.

Sensory Storytime
Sensory Storytime is a monthly program, typically held on the last Wednesday of the month at 6:30pm. This storytime is for everyone, but is particularly designed for neurodiverse children: children who are autistic, have sensory processing challenges, ADHD, or have difficulty sitting through our other storytimes. In order to keep a controlled and sensory-friendly environment for all, space is limited and registration is required.

Reading Buddies
Reading Buddies is a weekly program that happens on Tuesdays from 3:30 to 5pm. During this time, emerging readers can “check out” one of our teen volunteer Reading Buddies for 30 minutes to practice their reading skills. Reading Buddies offer an encouraging ear and only jump in to help when asked by their reader. Registration is not required, but there may be a wait on afternoons when we are busy.

Reading with Ryan
Ryan the Reading Dog joins us once a month to help emerging readers practice their skills, typically on the last Thursday of the month at 6pm. Each participant is given a 15 minute slot, during which they can read anything they’d like to Ryan, who lends a nonjudgmental, listening ear. Registration is required.
Book Clubs

1st Grade Book Club
1st Grade Book Club is a monthly program, typically held on the second Tuesday of the month at 3:30pm. Each month, the group discusses a picturebook while completing a related craft or activity. All supplies are provided by the library. Registration is required. 1st Grade Book Club is ONLY for children in the 1st grade (or home school equivalent).

2nd/3rd Grade Book Club
2nd/3rd Grade Book Club is a monthly program, typically held on the last Monday of the month at 3:30pm. Each month, the group discusses an early reader or beginner chapter book while completing a related craft or activity. All supplies are provided by the library. Registration is required. 2nd/3rd Grade Book Club is ONLY for children in the 2nd or 3rd grade (or home school equivalent).

4th/5th Grade Book Club
4th/5th Grade Book Club is a monthly program, typically held on the third Tuesday of the month at 3:30pm. Each month, the group discusses a middle grade book while completing a related craft or activity. All supplies are provided by the library. Registration is required. 4th/5th Grade Book Club is ONLY for children in the 4th or 5th grade (or home school equivalent).

Tween Graphic Novel Book Club
Tween Graphic Book Club is a monthly program, typically held on the second Wednesday of the month at 3:30pm. Each month, the group discusses a middle grade graphic novel while completing a related craft or activity. All supplies are provided by the library. Registration is required. This book club is for ages 10-14.
Performances and Family Fun

Sing Along with Matt Heaton
Matt Heaton joins us once a month for a sing along, typically on the second Thursday of the month at 10:30am. Come prepared to sing and dance! This is a drop in program, so registration is not required.

Play Dough Club
Play Dough Club is a monthly program, typically held on the third Tuesday of the month at 3:30pm. Kids ages 2-5 are invited to join us for an hour of play dough free play to encourage fine motor skill and social development. All tools and dough are provided by the library. This is a drop in program, so registration is not required.

Fine Motor Skill Friday
Fine Motor Skill Friday is a monthly program, typically held on the last Friday of the month a 1pm. Kids ages 2-5 are invited to join us and explore a selection of fine motor activities. All supplies are provided by the library. This is a drop in program, so registration is not required.
STEAM Programs

Lego Club
Lego Club meets every other Thursday at 3:30pm (alternating with Art Smart). Kids ages 5+ are invited to join us for an hour of Lego free-build time. All supplies are provided by the library. This is a drop in program, so registration is not required.

Art Smart
Art Smart meets every other Thursday at 3:30pm (alternating with Lego). Kids ages 5+ are invited to join us for an hour of art exploration. Each session, a different type of craft or art technique is tried out. All supplies are provided by the library. This is a drop in program, so registration is not required.

Family Maker Night
Family Maker Night is a monthly program, typically held on the first Thursday of the month from 6-8pm. There is no set activity for Family Maker Night. Kids ages 8-12 and their grown ups are invited to come and check out the library’s Maker Space and work on a project of their own design. They can use the supplies already available in the Maker Space, or bring their own, if they have something special in mind. Registration is required.

STEM Kitchen
STEM Kitchen is a monthly program, typically held on the first Monday of the month at 6pm. Kids ages 8-12 are invited to learn about a food-related scientific subject while making a yummy snack. All supplies are provided by the library. The month’s recipe is sent to participants a few days before each session; we do our best to accommodate allergies, but may not be able to in all cases. Registration is required.

Kids’ Home School Maker Club
Kids’ Home School Maker Club is a monthly program, typically held on the 3rd Friday of the month at 11am. Kids ages 8-12 are invited into the Makerspace to learn and create something new while socializing with other local home school students. All supplies are provided by the library. Registration is required.

Kids Drawing
Kids Drawing is a monthly program, typically held on the first Tuesday of the month at 3:30pm. Kids ages 8-12 are invited to explore a new drawing style or technique in each session. Artwork created in Kids Drawing may be displayed on the Children’s Room Gallery Wall (near the program room). Registration is required.