We are hoping to get YOU trained the training you need to ‘check out’ the MakerSpace like our other study rooms. You can earn ‘badges’ and gain more exclusive access to the MakerSpace and its contents. Once courses are complete, your library card will note you have more access to the MakerSpace so you can ‘borrow’ the room when it is available.
Registration required. Ages 16+. Registration begins October 1.
If you already have a skill and would like to test out of a course, email Sam at ssednek@minlib.net.
When someone does not show up for a program they are registered for, they are taking away an opportunity for another member of the community. Patrons who are registered for an event they cannot attend are asked to cancel their registration at least 24 hours in advance. Failure to show up for programs two (2) times without notice will be grounds for being waitlisted for 90 days. Patrons who arrive 10 minutes or more after the program start time will be considered no-shows. They may be denied access after that time, and their spot may be given away to people on the waiting list.